The coming world-ruling Thērion and you, Part I

In a world increasingly dominated by disinformation, a rising threat of unthinkable thermonuclear war, conflict piled upon conflict, and loss of key societal freedoms, is it even possible to think of thoughts and expectations for peace? As Americans withdraw from a stabilizing global benefactor into self-serving protectionism, anxieties and fears soar across the planet.

In central Europe, screeching missiles shatter infrastructure and tranquility and innocents suffer brutally. In the Middle East, destructive military rockets crisscross multiple countries, as cell phones explode in the hands of militants, triggering panic and elevating already-high misery. A very real threat of superpower conflict smolders in the 81-mile-wide strait between mainline China and Taiwan, the latter a hyper-critical global economic linchpin.

As a new Presidential administration appears to foment chaos, upending order in the name of progress, Foreign Affairs magazine leads with coverage detailing “The Strange Triumph of a Broken America.”

What is the hope – at the least the short-term hope – of the world?

The reelected Chief Executive — who now presides over an intensely divided nation – claimed divine protection and direction from Almighty God Himself. As President Donald Trump declared in his inauguration address:

“I was saved by God”

“Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and indeed to take my  life. I felt then — and believe even more so now — that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.”

Curiously, especially in light of this personal declaration, Trump earlier broke with tradition by not placing his hand on the two Bibles proffered by his wife as Trump took to oath of office. Given the confusion associated with moving the elaborate Inauguration indoors away from bitter cold, perhaps these is no meaning to this omission. But it is incongruous with the moment.

Leading up to the inauguration, Bloomberg Businessweek offered extended analysis of Trump’s coming 48-month rule, titled “The Second Act.” It took an unusual view of what editor Brad Stone called “the seismic triumph of Donald Trump,” noting that now “we are living in an age of irony.”

The editor goes on to define his point: “Irony, in the classical sense, is a state of affairs that’s deliberately contrary to expectations.”

That current state of affairs, he writes, “nicely describes the surprise outcome of Nov. 5 [U.S. national election day].” But there are several more startling trends and ironies.

What is the Thērion?

According to the Bible – the collection of ancient books that unfortunately played a minor role in the ritual of Trump’s elevation – a vast geopolitical power of unprecedented magnitude will one day engulf the earth. This is described in ancient Greek as a world-ruling Thērion, a savage and aggressive leader who will herald in both global prosperity and crushing political will.

The good news? President Donald J. Trump is not that world-ruling Thērion, as can be established for a variety of reasons.

But a critical question exists: will President Trump play a vital role in establishing the foundation for that coming world-ruling Thērion? Indeed, is that in fact a possible true “purpose” that the Almighty may have in mind? A foundation, that once laid, may result in unanticipated events bursting out everywhere and all at once?

This question is posed respectfully for consideration, without malice.

We close this first in a series with some interesting comments from the aforementioned Businessweek summary:

“Trump will have to navigate another irony that’s more personal. He’s been perpetually motivated by grievances against his political enemies, but now…The question of whether Trump can find a new source of motivation and tame his own chaos demons will loom large over the US and the rest f the planet for at least the next four years.”

The remarkable conclusion, published before the President’s inauguration on January 20?

“It’s almost as if a higher theological power is testing him while having a bit of fun with the rest of us, which of course has a different name altogether: cosmic irony.”

“Contrary to expectations”

If there is indeed a startling and crushing “cosmic irony” coming that represents “a state of affairs that’s deliberately contrary to expectations,” what might that look like, according to ancient sources?

We’ll review that question and more in the coming series on Seeking the Way.

Meanwhile, here is some worthy advice: we are to pray for leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4), an inspired directive from God, a Being who literally “removes kings and sets up kings,” and who “gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding” (Daniel 2:21, English Standard Version).

By Michael A. Snyder


Author: Michael Snyder

After six decades, one begins to acquire some bits that might be worthy of sharing and consideration. This blog offers no affiliation, only thoughts to be considered and discussed.

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